Capturing the Essence of Chaos and Fear: Esther Ritz’s “Pandemic 12”

In a world where art has the incredible ability to transcend time and space, Esther Ritz, a resident of Presbyterian Village North’s (PVN) Hawthorne building, has made her mark as an extraordinary painter. Since her move to the PVN campus in June 2022, Ritz’s talent and passion have continued to flourish, captivating audiences with her intricate work.

One of her standout pieces, “Pandemic 12,” created with acrylic on canvas, measures an impressive 36″x36″. The painting, like a snapshot of emotions frozen in time, was not only featured in a Texas Jewish Artist Association exhibit at the Bath House at White Rock Lake this summer but was also chosen by the Dallas Morning News for publication. Its significance and resonance are undeniable, as it encapsulates the shared chaos and fear that the world experienced during the tumultuous year of 2020.

Ritz’s journey as a painter spans decades, with the origins of her artistic passion tracing back to her retirement from the business world around 1998. Since then, she has poured her heart and soul into her art, creating pieces that reflect the depth of human experience. “Pandemic 12,” is part of a larger series of works that aim to capture the essence of those trying times. Ritz, however, leaves room for interpretation, inviting viewers to find their own meanings within her art.

Moving to PVN marked a new chapter in Ritz’s artistic journey – while she had already received numerous awards and accolades throughout her career, her time at PVN has provided her with a supportive community that continues to encourage her creative endeavors. As a testament to her dedication, Ritz hosts a process painting class every Monday afternoon at 1 p.m., providing aspiring artists with an opportunity to explore their creativity and learn from her extensive experience.

Over the past year, Ritz’s classes have attracted a diverse group of individuals, and while the majority of participants are not PVN residents, Ritz’s hope is that her recent publicity will inspire more of her neighbors to join in and discover the joy of artistic expression. Her website,, showcases her vast body of work, including an “About” page that sheds light on her artistic journey and a detailed resume chronicling her accomplishments and exhibitions.

Esther Ritz’s “Pandemic 12” is more than just a painting; it’s a window into a moment in history, a testament to resilience and a symbol of the power of art to capture and convey the complex emotions that unite us all. As she continues to inspire both seasoned artists and newcomers, Ritz’s legacy shines brightly within the PVN community and beyond.

Residents can register for the Process Painting class through the Activity Cube on Cubigo. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook, too!

“Pandemic 12″ acrylic on canvas 36″x36”