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PVN Residents Pre-Game with Tom Brady

To kickoff Super Bowl Weekend, a group of 31 ladies from Presbyterian Village North (PVN) took their own “80 for Brady” journey to Cinemark on its opening day. The gal-pal group boarded PVN’s bus, eager to see Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno, Sally Field, and of course, Tom Brady in the hit movie. The “sold out” community event had such demand, there was even a wait list to attend!

While the former NFL star did not make a surprise appearance at the screening, this outing did provide the opportunity for the girlfriends to engage in a bit of football spirit leading into the Super Bowl. As they posed in the lobby with their Tom Brady faces, one of the residents asked to take them all home with her so she could continue to enjoy looking at them. That sounds like an enthusiastic two thumbs up!

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