PVN Resident to participate in ms. texas senior america pageant

At 76, Vicki Keltner is preparing to step onto the grand stage of the Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant, a competition that celebrates the vibrancy, wisdom and inner beauty of senior women. A resident of Presbyterian Village North (PVN), Vicki is no stranger to pageants, having competed in one during high school and another in her late 30s. Yet, this time, her mission goes far beyond a crown – she’s advocating for the health, wellness and rights of seniors across Texas.

Held on November 2, at the Hilton Richardson, the pageant includes 20 contestants over 60 years old and provides a platform for them to showcase their talents, share their personal stories and inspire others. It’s an event that celebrates “The Age of Elegance,” redefining how society views aging by highlighting how dynamic, talented and purpose-driven senior women truly are. For Vicki, this is an opportunity to represent seniors not just through grace and poise, but through her legislative advocacy platform.

“This is not a beauty pageant. This is about wellness and fitness. You have to convince the judges that you’re the one who best represents seniors,” Vicki shared. With a history of service and advocacy, Vicki’s legislative platform reflects her commitment to improving the lives of seniors. She hopes to inspire other senior women to be proud of their age and embrace the opportunities that come with it. “The whole idea is to elevate seniors,” Vicki said. If she is selected, she will go on to represent Texas at the national level in 2026.

Contestants like Vicki exemplify the “positive image of aging.” The Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant, now in its 27th year, is dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of seniors by encouraging them to tap into their full potential. It’s a celebration of their achievements and a reminder that seniors can continue to make meaningful contributions to society. For many, the pageant represents more than a competition – it’s a chance to highlight their unique journeys, passions and goals.

The pageant aims to show that senior women, often overlooked by mainstream media, have much to offer. Vicki and her fellow contestants are redefining what it means to grow older, focusing on healthy aging, mental well-being and using their voices for change. Through her participation, Vicki is proving that life after 60 is filled with purpose, strength and grace.

As Vicki prepares to take the stage this November, she is not only competing but also advocating for a brighter future for seniors across Texas – one where their voices are heard, their potential is recognized and their elegance continues to shine.

by Wendy Van Bemmel

Watch a short, behind-the-scenes video about the pageant.

Learn more about the pageant.

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