More than 50 women attended the Veritex Bank Park Cities/North Dallas Women in Business networking event held in the Great Room at Presbyterian Village North (PVN) on July 25.
Attendees enjoyed delicious drinks and appetizers while fawning over the beautiful donations of costume jewelry, handbags, scarves and more, brought as donations to benefit Attitudes & Attire® (A&A), the event’s spotlighted charity. Lyn Berman, Executive Director/Founder of A&A was on hand to explain how the donations collected at the event will help promote personal growth for women seeking self-sufficiency as they develop tools to raise self-esteem, promote ethics and build the confidence necessary to develop successful life skills.
The Park Cities/North Dallas Women in Business has been meeting for more than 16 years in various locations around Dallas, with the purpose of connecting women of all backgrounds and professions. The July event, facilitated by Aimee Barresi, one of PVN’s Community Liaisons, marks the first time PVN has hosted this group.
Click here to learn more about this group.