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Two local girls donate cards & cookies to patients in COVID unit at PVN

Inspired by a school-wide homemade card drive during the holidays, a local girl scout Onabella Diggs and her sister Lola set out to provide encouragement and sweet treats to the seniors at Presbyterian Village North (PVN) as part of the #OpenHeartedChallenge.

The #OpenHeartedChallenge initiative involves people from all around the world taking action to lift the spirits of others. The Diggs sisters were involved in Spring Creek Elementary School’s effort last year to create greeting cards for seniors who might not be able to spend time with their families due to the pandemic, resulting in PVN residents receiving over 100 cards.

“I want [the seniors] to be happy, and I want them to know that someone cares about them,” said Lola.  

Twenty-one boxes of Girl Scout cookies were donated through Onabella’s Girl Scout cookie drive for Troop 6638, so she chose to donate them to the seniors in PVN’s COVID unit. The sisters sweetened the gift by adding an encouraging handmade card to each of the boxes.

“It’s the thought that counts,” said Onabella. “By thought, I mean, I hope they know that we are thinking about them.”

The boxes were delivered to the unit on Friday, Jan. 22.

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