On January 9, the Presbyterian Village North (PVN) Foundation hosted their first annual Prayer Breakfast, inviting PVN residents to enjoy a morning meal while gathering to pray over the PVN community. As a foundational pillar of the Christian faith, prayer offers a direct connection to God, while providing people of faith with hope, strength and renewal. While the Foundation provides numerous and varied events for resident’s enjoyment throughout each year, beginning 2023 in a mindset of prayer and thanksgiving was especially important to them.
As residents filled McGowan Auditorium, they received a warm welcome from Diane Reynolds, PVN Foundation President. The program opened with a special message from Denise Odom, PVN Director of Spiritual Life, who shared a testimony on the strength of communal prayer. She reminded everyone that there is no magical combination of words to use when praying, and the most powerful prayers are often the simplest ones. “It is always enough to ask for help or offer prayers of thanksgiving. Prayer teaches that God is in control and allows us to release the worries we hold onto tightly and trust in Him,” Odom said.
Upon the conclusion of Odom’s offering, the entire group joined in prayer together, led by PVN and Foundation teammates and board members, including Gary Fox, PVN Associate Minister of Spiritual Life, Bob Maier, PVN Foundation Trustee and Former Chair, Corbet Bryant, PVN Foundation Chair, Steve Ailey, Forefront Living Chief Financial Officer and Karen Gooding, PVN Foundation Vice President of Administration. The prayer panel each took a few moments to specifically lift up government officials, family members and PVN residents and teammates. Prayers were offered requesting wisdom and guidance, comfort for those who are struggling, lonely or ill, and asking for new opportunities to serve others in love. The program concluded with reciting The Lord’s Prayer, and the group exited the auditorium with a personal devotional book to use in their daily prayer time as well as a renewed sense of peace and purpose for their new year.
The PVN Foundation, “The Heartbeat of The Village”, works tirelessly to enhance the quality of life of those residing at PVN. Through construction, campus improvements, cultural programs, medical research, the Resident’s Assistance Fund and other charitable purposes, the Foundation manages its funding and grant programs for the benefit of its mission and reflects the spirit of generosity and kindness of the residents of PVN. For more information about the PVN Foundation, please visit http://pvnfoundation.org