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PVN Creates ‘Culture of Kindness’

On Valentine’s Day, Presbyterian Village North (PVN) kicked off a new initiative called Creating a Culture of Kindness.

The PVN Human Resources (HR) team studied research showing the many benefits of practicing kindness at work, which often results in happier and more engaged employees. After a brainstorming session, they decided to implement the Creating a Culture of Kindness platform for sharing positivity in the workplace.

Through March 18, 2023, teammates are asked to recognize someone outside of their department by writing a note of appreciation on special note cards provided around the PVN campus. The teammate will then present that card and a piece of candy to the person they are recognizing for their unique talents. After this presentation, the duo of teammates will snap a selfie together and submit it to Forefront Living Communications. The teammate who was recognized is encouraged to “pay it forward” to someone outside of their department the next day.

Each week, the HR and Communications teams will share the Creating a Culture of Kindness selfies, creative stories and quotes of kindness in an effort to make it commonplace and comfortable to do kind deeds for one another. The goal is to make recognizing teammates for doing a good job, part of everyone’s daily work routine.

Learn how you can join our Culture of Kindness here.

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