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FLF Hosts Lunch and Learn for PVN Residents

Lunch, learn and leave a legacy! Forefront Living Foundation (FLF) recently organized a special Lunch and Learn session for the residents of Presbyterian Village North (PVN). The lunch presentation, held on campus of the T. Boone Pickens Hospice Center, covered the topics of obituary writing, planned giving and arranging for end-of-life care.

Diane Fullingim, FLF Executive Director, kicked off the event by delving into the history and evolution of obituaries. Carol Smith, FLF Relationship Manager, discussed the details of crafting an obituary and shared examples of online platforms that facilitate the creation of personalized obituaries, allowing individuals to tailor the tone (solemn, light-hearted or religious) to their preference. Sarah Jones, FLF Philanthropy Coordinator, emphasized the significance of legacy-building and planned giving, encouraging attendees to thoughtfully consider the causes they support. She also provided helpful resources for vetting nonprofit organizations to ensure responsible stewardship. Danette Muzic, Faith Presbyterian Hospice (FPH) Executive Director, shed light on the impact of contributions to the Faith Caring Fund, benefitting FPH. She discussed the necessity of benevolent care and underscored the importance of proactive communication regarding end-of-life plans as well as advocating for oneself and loved ones.

Following lunch, catered by the talented FPH culinary team, PVN residents participated in a guided tour of the T. Boone Pickens Hospice Center.

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