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Full Circle Moment: Actress Jane Seymour and PVN Resident Pam Altizer Reunite in Dallas

Four years ago, actress Jane Seymour made headlines when she collaborated with Dallas retiree and Presbyterian Village North (PVN) resident, Pam Altizer, for a special painting session via Zoom. At the beginning of the pandemic, Jane led the effort to stay connected with others, encouraging everyone to be generous with their talents during a time of isolation, inspiring many with her heartfelt connection with Pam. Click here for the original story.

Fast forward to June 17, 2024, when Jane and Pam met again (in person this time) in Dallas, Texas, for a beautiful full circle moment. Their reunion was a testament to the lasting impact of sharing one’s talents and the power of genuine connections. Both women reminisced about their initial meeting and showcased the artworks they created, virtually, together.

Jane and Pam’s story continues to inspire, reminding us all of the importance of generosity, creativity and the meaningful relationships we form along the way. Click here to learn more about Jane’s artwork and Open Hearts Foundation.

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